Job Search

The average job search takes between 5-6 months from application to hiring.

That is 5-6 months of networking, searching, applying, waiting and more waiting.

We’re here to change that.

The FIF Job Search Accelerator will teach you how to take a strategic approach to your job search, one that focuses on aligning your interests, passions and goals to a company and not a job. 

This all inclusive [on demand] course covers the entire job search process – from how to prepare for your search, target companies, polish your materials to interviewing and negotiating the job offer we know you’re going to get! 

Are you guilty of these common job search mistakes?

In this course, you’ll learn how to

Figure out what career you want

Identify and research target companies an roles

Leverage your network and ace the interview

Polish and optimize your resume, pitch, digital presence and personal brand

Negotiate the offer
[we know you are going to get]

And apply strategically online to ensure your application stands out.

What you get


Members get access to the course included in their membership, as well as a host of other networking and career-building benefits.

"I am not the best at acknowledging my achievements, and knowing my resumes have always been subpar. I wanted to follow up and give the biggest THANK YOU for FIF's help and support, especially reviewing my resume and the FIF tools the community provided. WHAT A RESOURCE!  With the videos and workbook (the small bites are just what I needed to stay focused and on a routine without getting burnt out or frustrated), I am delighted to say for once I am proud of my resume."

Course Price


Standalone course

Access the Job Search Accelerator Course



Included in FIF Annual Membership

Upgrade to the FIF community membership for $348 and receive the course, a free resume review, and all other membership benefits.

Can't see your company to review?

Let us know your company name and we will get it added for you within 24 hours.