The Future of Food is Female.

We accelerate careers and connect women with female-forward companies

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Join our growing collective of 1,000+ Females in Food for FREE  and gain access to our job board. Boost your experience by becoming a Community member and receive access to skill-building events led by people leading and influencing the world’s top F&B companies, dedicated member directory, peer mentors, and opportunities for small group sessions with F&B industry leaders and executives.


Dive into a world of insights! Check out our Articles page for expert insights on career acceleration, the dynamic food industry, employment trends, and fostering empowering female workspaces. Your learning journey starts here.

Partner With Us

Support your female leaders and elevate your employer brand in the marketplace by partnering with FIF.  Share your company story, drive female job seekers to your website, showcase your female role models, highlight benefits that women care about, and develop your internal female leaders. We can help you attract, hire, and retain the best in the food and beverage industry! 

thank you to our industry sponsors

Helping Women & Companies Achieve Their Greatest Potential

Above all else, Females In Food is a community. We propel high-achieving women forward by providing connection, resources, and the best opportunities in the Food and Beverage Industry.

We help top rated companies attract, hire and retain experienced women who work across every sector of the food and beverage industry.

As Featured In


Looking to accelerate your job search?

Enroll in our Job Search Accelerator course to learn how to take a strategic approach to your job search, one that focuses on aligning your interests, passions and goals to a company and not a job. 

Connect With 1,000 Females In Food

"I cannot say enough about the quality and caliber of the women in this community"

“I cannot say enough about the quality and caliber of the women in this community. Unlike other similar organizations, Females in Food has built a group dedicated not only to self-improvement, but committed to helping lift up others around them in the process. Every event I attend and discussion I have with members has left me a better and more well-connected business woman. There is a clear desire within this community to give back to each other while continuing to develop and improve one’s self. I couldn’t recommend Females in Food more highly for organizations looking to elevate their talent and for individuals seeking genuine, compassionate connections and learnings.”

Lynn Ducharme

Vice President, Talent Strategy, Curtis Food Recruiters

More women are entering the Food and Beverage Industry than ever before...

Women represent 80% of the global food buying decisions…yet
only 24% women are represented in the C-Suite (1.4% being Black Women)
0 %
For every 100 men promoted, only 86 women are promoted
Women hold only 7% of board seats in elite private firms (and 26% of seats on the S&P 500)
0 %

Our mission is to change this

And what makes a female leader most likely to succeed against these odds?

 Another female leader by her side. Or a few thousand, while we’re at it.

The Females in Food Community is a first-of-its-kind home where female leaders in the food and beverage industry can foster meaningful connections, access highly-vetted resources and learn from industry trailblazers so their careers can soar.

Advancing today's leaders and creating tomorrow's.

Helping companies attract, retain and advance female talent.


Global Food Buying Decisions Are Made By Women


Representation of women in senior leadership positions across every segment of the F&B industry

Interested in all of our findings?

Our white paper explores the discrete concerns and top 3 drivers for retention, engagement and longevity of women in F&B

Join the community to gain access to all our previous events

job search tools

Plateau To On Purpose: Mindset and strategies to make a career change


A Slice Of Sustainability with Sarah Hummel


Alexia Vernon – Finding Your Voice In High Stake Speaking Situations

Join The Females In Food Movement


Explore our latest articles to boost your career, gain industry insights, and learn how women in F&B are breaking the glass ceiling.

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