4 Trends That Will Make Your Resume Stand Out

Woman at a computer

Writing your resume can get pretty intimidating. After all, this single piece of paper is a major deciding factor in whether or not you even get a shot at that job you’ve been eyeing for so long.

According to Glassdoor the average job opening attracts 250 resumes, which means there are at least 249+ people out there competing with you.

This further reiterates the significance of creating a resume that helps you stand out among the hundreds of applicants out there.

So how do you stand out? And what exactly do recruiters in the Food and Beverage Industry want to see?

Here are 4 resume trends you need to follow in 2022:

  • Using action words (not buzzwords)
    • On your resume, action verbs show readers you accomplished something at your past jobs, you weren’t just “responsible for” it. Instead you “streamlined” or “coordinated” or “executed” it. You got the job done and you achieved something in the process. But be careful, not all action verbs are as strong as others. For example, words like “led” or “handled” may have their place on a resume (sparingly) but don’t give the reader any details about how you did it. Did you lead by assigning work to a team; by creating a road map for a project; by organizing resources, people, and deadlines; or by doing some combination of the three?

  • Including a resume headline and summary
    • A recruiter spends less than 60 seconds looking at your resume, therefore, you need to quickly articulate your value and achievements in a succinct way. Using a headline and summary quickly catches the readers eye, draws them in, and gives them a reason to continue reading down the page.  

  • Tailoring your resume to each position (yes, every time)
    • First things first: sit down and really read the job description. Go through and highlight the points that seem important and the points that you could speak to with your experience and skills. Next, with your newfound knowledge of what the hiring manager is looking for, take your resume, find the experience that would make him or her most excited about your application and re-work the document so that’s what’s at the top. Tailoring your resume means finding what is most relevant, creating a section for it, and filling it up with experience or qualifications that will catch a hiring managers eye. If that means nixing “work experience”, creating a “Marketing and Social Media Experience” section, then throwing everything else in an “Additional Experience” section, then so be it.

  • Prioritizing your story in a personal statement resume
    • The personal statement is a short paragraph that sits right below your contact information at the top of a resume. It sums up your experience, goals, and skills with confidence. Think of your resume’s personal statement like an extended tagline for your career. If working this statement into your resume format seems difficult, try one of our Females in Food proven resume templates.

Are you ready to build an effective resume but don’t want to feel overwhelmed with trying to work all of these 2022 resume trends into the process?

Let our certified coaches and resume writers within the Females in Food Community help you. By joining our Membership Community, you receive a free resume review by an experienced executive resume writer along with free access to our flagship Job Search Accelerator program.

Our Job Search Accelerator teaches you a completely new job search strategy—one that focuses on the company, not the job. This all-inclusive course covers the entire job search process—from preparation to polishing your materials and applying to jobs, plus interviewing and more.

If you are ready to level up your career, create a resume that stands out, strategically approach your job search, and gain access to an exclusive network of Food and Beverage industry professionals who are willing to help and support you along the way – then our community is ready to meet you. Learn more and join us today!

Pro Tips For A Successful Job Search

“Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight”

Feeling like your job is at a standstill? That it just doesn’t seem to be moving in any direction? – You feel stuck, performing the same uninspiring tasks day in and day out, waiting to be challenged? Feeling your self-confidence slipping away as others around you are promoted? Familiar with the feeling? If you are eager and excited about moving up and becoming more of a key player in your company and actively seeking opportunities to do so then Females in Food Membership Community may be what you’re looking for. Tap into a network of women in the industry who can offer you all the guidance and support you need. Take a peek, what have you got to lose!

Job searching made easier

Maybe you want to land your dream job and you have no idea how to go about applying – after all, isn’t it just about sending off your resume and hoping against all odds that they pick your resume? After all, you’ve got all that it takes – or so you thought. Whether you are looking at getting promoted at your current company or ready to apply for that dream job, here are some good tips to start getting noticed at work – Later, we’ll review and revamp your resume and help you stand out in this hugely competitive market.

  • Do an outstanding job no matter what you do, every day. That will get you seen by your boss and other top leadership because of the valuable contributions that you are adding to the company
  • Volunteer your services and use your skills so that management and co-workers see what an invaluable asset you are.
  • Don’t be confrontational and try to get along with everyone: Treat others as you want to be treated.
  • Help co-workers if you think they might need some assistance without expecting favors in return – do it just because you are kind and want to.
  • Become an expert in a particular area because people turn to problem solvers, from peers to upper management. Look for great opportunities where you can apply these skills, then volunteer for projects where you can show them off.
  • Continuously prove that you are the best thing that happened to your company! Not just one time. Every day when you go to work, you need to show your boss your value.
  • Always remember that your career is your responsibility. Continuously strive to improve yourself, and work to define your career aspirations and plans. Share this with your boss, asking for his or her help and support. Register for classes, seminars, conferences, etc

Making you and your resume stand out

At last you find the dream job you’ve been searching for. You want it desperately but there’s going to be plenty of competition applying for the same position. How do you make yourself stand out to recruiters and hiring managers? Here are some helpful reminders:

  1. First, how does your resume look?  It is important that your qualifications match the job you’re applying for. An appealing all-important cover letter should be next on the list. You’ll need to highlight your professional qualifications so that they match the hiring requirements. What you are offering needs to be presentable and match with the networking sites you might be on, i.e. LinkedIn, Facebook.
  2. Use your connections to boost your search – they could bolster your resume or even get you an interview. Don’t procrastinate when you see something you want – go for it!
  3. Practice your interview that might come – do you know everything about the company you want to join when they ask you questions? Are you ready with the right interview clothes so you look professional? Remember, first impressions count and you want yours to be positive!
  4. Always follow up with Thank You Emails! It’s a small gesture that goes a long way in helping you stay memorable.

Modern job searching is constantly evolving. It’s no longer the simple format of applying for the job and hoping to get a call for an interview.  It is rare to get offered a job after simply putting in an application, going to a job interview, and getting an offer. Today’s job market is a very competitive, network-driven job market. A successful woman will have used a variety of strategies in order to reach her goals. She will establish a social presence; she will target companies she wants to work at, and she will have made it easy for employers to find her online.

Look what the experts say are key tips to successful job searches today in the competitive marketplace

  • Keep your résumé short and concise: The experts say that the hiring managers and the computer algorithms they use to sift through all the resumes are rapid. That means you need your CV to be one that reads quickly and is in small bites., using key terms. Today, typical CVs are scanned in a matter of 6-10 seconds. Use just one contact email address, one phone number, and your LinkedIn profile URL, for example.
  • People consider hiring a coach so that they are up to date with video interviewing skills. As you know, many employers rely on video conferencing for long-distance screening interviews. That means lots of job seekers use coaches so that they can excel in their video interviews.
  • You may not have known this, but in the last couple of years, LinkedIn has been one of the key platforms for connecting employers with qualified candidates. When you have a sharp LinkedIn profile, it is considered by some as being even more important than having a great résumé.
  • Go beyond the usual: If you want to impress your boss, you need to differentiate yourself from others. These three things will set you apart:
    • Your attitude
    • How you treat others
    • How you act when you think no one can see you

When you’ve landed the job, here are fab ways to make and keep your good impressions at the workplace

  • Be a trailblazer – forthcoming with new ideas, originating new proposals, not being afraid to make your own tracks.
  • Keep people informed because then you save them from distractions, speculation, and rumors.
  • Be the go-to person – That really does make a big impression – a person of value.
  • Think Long-Term While everyone is worrying about today’s problems, be the one to think about the solutions for tomorrow. Be sensitive to issues and trends before they become a problem.
  • Speak with confidence, sharing what you know, letting others know you can be helpful and supportive.
  • Be an initiator because making an impact means seeing what needs to get done and taking the initiative to do it.
  • Be an active listener by paying attention to what people say. Focus on the speaker instead of thinking about how you will answer.
  • Go the extra mile and do your job with excellence.

With this positive mindset, you will be able to take on tasks with enthusiasm and pleasure – it will take you far. By taking the lead by serving others, not only will you stand out, but you will leave strong and lasting impressions behind!

Turning the Tables: Avoid Job Regret and Interview Your Future Employer.

You know the feeling well. There’s that little niggle in your tummy on the first day of your new job… did you make the right choice?

Before too long, you’re swept up in the learning curve of the new role, meeting your team and getting to understand who’s who. But, the shine doesn’t last does it? That niggle returns, the politics creep in, the overtime starts adding up and the promotion slips even further away.

You may not have done all your research and might be feeling like it’s now too late… You’re stuck in a role you’ve only been in for a few months and you’re too fearful of the resume damage that might occur if you throw in the towel. What could you have done differently? How could you stop this from happening again?

It’s all down to a shift in mindset…

Don’t just go in promising everything

Too often, we head into interviews solely ready to sell ourselves. We’re so focused on what we have to offer the company, that we don’t think about what they are going to do for us, for our lives, for our careers.

“It’s not what you can do for your company, it’s about what your company can do for you.”

This is all down to a mindset issue – desperation, a feeling of ‘lack’ and a concern for security. Sure, we have bills to pay, but wouldn’t it feel better to have those bills paid by a company you morally align with? Does the industry you’re heading into conflict with your environmental beliefs? Are the working hours anti-social or inflexible? Just because you’ve been invited for an interview, does not mean that they are the right fit for you. 

Take some time to think about what’s important to you – you could even write yourself a list of non-negotiables for any job role you apply for. Remember, you are an asset, not a cog in the machine.

Health benefits

It’s not enough, these days, for companies to offer statutory sick pay and nothing else. In our highly intense working environments, stress and poor mental health are more prevalent than ever. Whilst you may not have suffered from these issues in the past, it doesn’t mean that you’re immune for the foreseeable future.

Many companies are integrating a number of ‘mental health days’, in addition to their illness provision – allowing employees to take some downtime before stress and poor mental health starts to impact their work. 95% of employees who have taken time off due to stress, named another reason – such as an upset stomach or headache. What’s more, less than 30% of employees feel comfortable talking to their managers about their mental health. 

Before you sign on the dotted line, ask to see their mental health manifesto or support plan. Look for concrete answers and examples of their commitment to this within their company ethos and your contract.

The questions YOU should be asking

Think it’s all about getting their questions right? No ma’m! Make sure you check how well the company you’re interviewing for tallies up. Ask questions to understand if the company personally aligns with your goals, whether that’s childcare, flexible hours, the option to work at home, transport initiatives or health care. If they can’t answer on the spot, invite them to follow up in an email. It might seem intimidating to turn the tables, but it actually shows integrity and a level of wider awareness.

Within the Females in Food Job search Accelerator, we provide a 72+ question guide on what questions you should be asking during an interview. To download, sign into the lounge or become a member today.

Be brave, be demonstrative

Have you ever come up against an interview question that starts with: “Give an example of a time when…”

Yuck! Such a toughy, right? Well, your interviewers should be able to answer the same type of questions about their company or role. If you’re concerned about the environmental impact, ask them for examples of sustainable initiatives or eco-schemes. Looking out for diversity? Ask for their gender, race and nationality ratios.

Don’t be scared to hunt out the facts you need to make your decision. No one wants to walk in on their first day to find themselves in a place that simply doesn’t reflect their own agenda – that’s a shortcut to disenfranchisement.

Align your values

In your personal life, what matters to you? Spending intentional, tech-free time with your family? Reducing your plastic intake? Sourcing sustainably sourced materials for your home?

Whatever it is, there is no reason that this shouldn’t translate into your workplace. As a vegan, are you concerned about how the canteen is managed? As an advocate for equity, are you asking questions about diversity, inclusion, and equity within the hiring process? As a woman, do you have concerns surrounding harassment or childcare provision? As a parent, are you conscious of how work-life affects your home life? 

Before heading to an interview, or even before applying for a role, take the time to work on your non-negotiable values… and stick to them.

Make an impression in the first 90 seconds 

Sure, you’ve heard this one before. You have the first 90 seconds of your interview to make an impression – but so often we focus on that impression being one of a polite, capable and well-meaning employee. What if we flicked the switch and started presenting ourselves as trail-blazing, confident and ground-breaking individuals with a strong moral code and high expectations? How would that look for you?

What would you have to say in the first 90 seconds of your interview to leave the interviewee with the impression you actually want them to have?

As part of Females in Food, we provide a job search accelerator program, as well as giving you a community of women to bounce ideas off inside the membership community. If you’re transitioning into a new role or are interviewing for one, why not delve into some of the support we’ve curated for you.

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